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Mission Statement


   Maranatha Baptist Bible College is committed to excellence through prayer and hard work.

We seek to be consistent in the interpretation of the Scriptures, the Inerrant, Infallible and Revealed Word of God. Fundamental doctrines of Evangelical orthodoxy are taught in the frame work of a premillenial, dispensational theory derived from a grammatical, historical and literal interpretation of the text of the Bible.

We believe that God has raised different people for different ministries. One ministry is not necessarily better than the other.

The Lord and His twelve disciples were together for those three and half years. He taught them through His life and messages. It was indeed the first Bible college, a mobile college.

He ordained them and commissioned them to go out int all the world and preach the gospel, to make disciples and establish churches. Before He sent them He prepared them by filling them with the Holy Spirit. We at MBBCS strive to prepare our students Spiritually and Academically.

We seek to invest our energies and resources to prepare servant leaders for the cause of Christ in India and it's surrounding countries, the most unreached 10-40 window of the world. Much of India’s vast ocean of people has never heard the name of Jesus.

    We have a vision, the vision of a vast harvest field, and the need of many more laborers to bring in the harvest. 2 Timothy 2:2 and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

© 2009 Maranatha Baptist Bible College & Seminary | Bangalore, INDIA