P J Mathai – President / Founder

Rev P.J Mathai (founder and president of MBBCS),first felt the call of God after he got saved during an evangelistic meeting in 1967. He went to Bible college in India and Seminary in the US. After Rev P.J Mathai, came back to India from Tacoma Washington, after studying at Northwest Baptist Seminary, he felt led by the Lord and encouraged by his wife kung to start a Bible college that would impart quality training to students to become effective leaders and win souls for Christ.
P J Mathai completed his Bachelor of Theology from Berean Baptist Bible College & Seminary, Bangalore. He then continued and successfully completed
Bachelor of Divinity also from Berean Baptist Bible College & Seminary, Bangalore and a Master of Theology from Northwest Baptist Seminary, Washington, USA.
With a vision to train future pastors and leaders to reach such a vast multitude of humanity destined for eternal condemnation, the idea itself was overwhelming.However, with much prayer and leading of the Lord, Maranatha Baptist Bible College was founded in the summer of 1998 with 15 students. This was a huge step of faith for him and his family.
Under the leadership of P.J. Mathai, the ultimate goal at Maranatha Baptist Bible College is to train many laborers to bring in the harvest